
Michael Jackson 'Thriller' jacket fetches $1.8M

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. – A famed black-and-red calfskin jacket that Michael Jackson wore in the classic "Thriller" video has sold at auction for $1.8 million.

Darren Julien, president and CEO of Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills, says the jacket was purchased Sunday by Milton Verret, a commodities trader from Austin, Texas.

The jacket is one of two Jackson wore during the filming of the 1983 "Thriller" video. Jackson wears the jacket in a scene with a troupe of zombies who rise from their graves and break into a dance routine.

Verret says the jacket will be sent on tour and used as a fundraising tool for children's charities.

A portion of the sale price will go to the Shambala Preserve, a big cat sanctuary caring for two tigers Jackson one owned



I have always been a fan of Michael Jackson. One day I have a chance to see his concert when my 45 years old that year. In the concert he sang many familiar songs which pushed ambience to the climax, we listening the music with screaming and rocking the body… unfortunate, I got heart attack, so which exciting atmosphere let me depart. Although I not a famous person, but most of time when the news playing Michael Jackson's memoirs, I will also be mention, because I was crazy fan for him.


Retailers hope Cyber Monday sustains shopping

Many retailers offered steep online discounts on Cyber Monday to win additional sales after Thanksgiving, with shares of Amazon rising 2.6%, Overstock.com 8.1%, Web jeweler Blue Nile 5.3% and EBay Inc's PayPal unit 21%. The 5-year-old Cyber Monday is the Monday after Thanksgiving, aiming to attract more online shopping. The year on year increase of online sale is 14.4%, according to IBM Coremetrics. This year has witnessed the increase of online traffic, continuation of accelerated adoption of e-commerce and improvement in average order size. Blue Nile Inc Chief Executive Diane Irvine said Cyber Monday was a bigger selling day for the online diamond seller than Black Friday. According to the NationalRetailFederation, the online shopping is up 15% year on year. Some traditional retailers with websites are competing more fiercely for online sales by using online purchases meathods and offering free delivery of centain goods.



this picture shows the absurb phenomenon .we will confuse that what the scroll wanted to express international women day or international labour day.


My Language Leaning Strategies

My Language Leaning Strategies

Strategy Description
1.watch TV,TV series 3
2.radio 0
3.Songs 6
1.talk to my friends 6
2.sing a song 0
1.newspaper 0
2.book 2
3.magazine 0
4.internet 4
1.make notes during class 1
2.write down the new words 2
3.write blog 1
4.write diary 0


the tale about chinese new year

in ancient china, there is a monster which has long sharp corner and very fierce. when every year will coming, the monster will eat animal and people, which let people feel scared.however,in this year's eve when villagers are busy packing,there is a white-haired old man coming and ask for old lady allow him could stay in her family living a night, because the old man can let the monster left.so, everybody don't believe he and escape to other safety place.when the monster of "nian" prepare to breaking through village, the white man make the sound of firecrackers, then the "nian" can't go forward.so the "nian"beats of the red,fire and explod. then the door open and the white-hair old man wear the red clothing and laughing, the "nian" found and escape.The next day, when people come back and found the village safe and to know the white man is immortal.At the same time, they found three thing can dive the "nian". so, every year of eve,every family will put up red couplets and make fireworks. so, that is custom about chinese traditional new year festival.


my favourite building

In my hometown ,city of XI an , a famous building located in the center of the city ,we call it "Bell tower". More than 1000 years ago, all the citizens lived in XI an have no watches and clocks ,so the king made a large bell in order to tell his citizens the exact time during the day by hitting the bell.
How time flies! 1000 years later ,the tower still stands on the earth ,but today ,it is for telling the time , but for the visiting .My friends and I often sit around it in the night ,watching the sky ,talking our future. Losts of travellers came here for knowing more history of china , but we just consider it as a symbol of our hometown.
Bell tower ,it is not a building ,but also a part of my life .